How does SBR technology work?

Sequencing batch reactors or SBRs use a separate pre-treatment section to mechanically hold back solids and a biological aeration and settling tank. Small SBR wastewater treatment systems clean incoming wastewater over a number of cycles. GRAF products achieve a cleaning performance of up to 98 %. In this respect the GRAF Klaro E Professional far surpasses legal minimum requirements.

Process of a SBR system – How does SBR techology work?

1. Charging

The wastewater goes first into primary treatment (1st chamber), where the solid substances are retained. From there, the wastewater is fed into the SBR tank (2nd chamber).




2. Aeration

The actual biological cleaning by microorganisms now takes place in the SBR tank. Short aeration and rest phases alternate in a controlled cleaning process. The so-called activated sludge can now develop with millions of microorganisms and clean the water thoroughly.



3. Rest phase

A rest phase now follows, during which the live sludge sinks to the bottom of the system. This allows a clarified water zone to form at the top of the SBR tank.




4. Clear water extraction

The purified wastewater is now fed into a discharge system (stream, river, sea) or into an infiltration system. Afterwards, the sludge is fed back from the SBR tank into the first.